A bit about my blog
I had the idea of how cool it would be to help other people who plan to move to Germany to study or work. Many people were contacting me and asking me how I had done it. I realized if I have a blog I can put all my thoughts there and help people to do the same. I want to reach more people to help more people moving to Germany.
Please pay a visit to https://www.mylifeingermany.com/
In the meantime, some advice for international students who would like to study in Germany:
1. Learn German!
The majority of companies will require the language in 95% of the cases.
- Yes, there are certain professions in the German market, where they need more people (engineering as an example), for these people getting a job is easier even without German.
- But if you study the general degree, like business, please learn German!
My degree was in English but still, I needed German to survive my daily life. I was even worried about not understanding letters that came per post in German!
I was always worried about the visa. In the immigration office nobody speaks English. Nobody would talk with me – a nightmare.
I started self-study German language learning in Hong Kong. After moving to Germany I tried many different ways to learn the language as I was desperate to learn it. It affected my life: finding a job, social life, friends.
2. Try to relax!
I was always stressed when I came to Germany and afraid of everything. But hey! Everything worked out. If I could go back in time and meet myself I would say: relax a little bit, enjoy a little bit. Everything will work out! Of course, you have to try hard but don’t stress too much about yourself. It can be a very desperate process but don’t give up. Relax and keep trying
3. Don’t procrastinate with accommodation search!
This is hard. It is getting harder and harder. Get the network and connections! Get to know people.
Someone will know someone who knows someone who knows someone who has a room!
Facebook groups – check it all! Find people from the same university or country – so people can relate!
Ask the university for help with finding accommodation. Start the search from your home country and start building your network from there!