Study Abroad - Success Stories
Read Success Stories of foreigners who study abroad. We have a bunch of questions - international students have a lot to tell. Russian, Turkish, Iranian, Indian, Mexican…
Success Stories
Study abroad, one story at a time.
Every foreigner who came to study abroad is a success story. Countries, nationalities, interests, hobbies, majors, future goals and dreams. We have a bunch of questions - they have a lot to tell.
When is the right time to move abroad? Which country should you choose? Which Major? Should you move away from home, that is comfortable to a country you have only dared to dream of? How have other people made such a jump? What did they feel when making that jump and afterward?
I know that many people have strong opinions about studies abroad. But as we meet the individuals and seek to understand their stories, I’m hoping we can momentarily put those stereotypes aside. This is a great group of people and I’m very thankful that they’ve volunteered to share their stories.
Whichever path they chose, all of these stories have one thing in common: they have been studying abroad. Every story is unique and beautiful in its own way. Read their stories to know more. And when you are ready to make a jump and to have your own success story, you know where to find me.
The stories are being published 2 - 3 times a month. Keep checking the website or subscribing to the newsletter not to miss them!
Please share opinions, views, comments and give credits to the students, who agreed to speak out and to tell their story.
If you are already studying abroad and you would like to share with us your story hit me up. We will be happy to hear it.