Study Abroad - Blog — Yana Immis

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Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg

Yana Immis

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) – one school of a kind! Master students from non-EU countries are allowed to work 30 hours a week while studying in one of the ten innovative, renowned and challenging English programmes.

The university has the aim to further strengthen the competitiveness with its educational offerings and research services in and around Hamburg.

Generally, students from abroad can work 20 hours a week but this school has a special agreement with the authorities in Hamburg allowing students to work 30 hours per week.

Apart from the great opportunity to work for foreign students, this renowned institution offers amazing and modern majors including:

  • Maritime Management

  • Shipping Management

  • Logistics Management

  • Business Development

  • Real Estate & Leadership

  • Global Management & Governance

HSBA is closely interconnected with the business around the area including in-company trainings and has more than 250 cooperating companies.

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg 3

Accreditation: FIBAA

Membership: AACSB

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration Logo.png

Benefits of studying at HSBA:

  • Lecturers with extensive practical experience

  • Attractive career prospects after graduation

  • Practical experience in one of the cooperating companies

  • Stays abroad possible

  • Campus in the heart of Hamburg

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg 5

Cengiz Düman

"After studying industrial engineering and some years of practical experience, I longed for complementary contents that would better equip and prepare me for leadership responsibilities. The MBA has proven to be just an enrichment in terms of content and methodology”.

MBA Corporate Management Class

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg 4

Fabienne Meyer-Pohl

"I am convinced that digitalisation will not only allow our society to develop, but to improve. It is important for me to not only be a spectator of this exciting and often scary journey, but to help shape it.”

MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability Class

Interested to study here? Fill out the Application Form to start. Make sure to choose Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) in the list of choices.

In the meantime, you can already start collecting all the necessary admission documents to have them sent to my e-mail:

Attention: only high % GPA students are considered who are eager to go through the intensive application process.

Only the strongest get in. Are you ready to take a challenge and study at HSBAContact me to see if you qualify to proceed.

As the university for the Hamburg economy, HSBA understands itself as a service provider for business conducted in the Hamburg metropolitan region.

Graduates have a solid basis in business administration with an industry or function-specific focus and quickly take on a position with responsibility in the company.

University has a dual approach: Work & study at the same time

Programs in the English language

Starting October every year

·   Bachelor of Science (BSc)

o Business Administration

o Logistics Management

o Maritime Management

·   Master of Science (MSc)

o Business Development

o Global Management & Governance

o Real Estate & Leadership

o Finance

·   MBA

o Corporate Management

o Shipping

·   Executive MBA

Tuition Fees

Bachelor tuition fees are EUR 665 per month.

Master tuition fees are EUR 750 per month.

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg 6

Kristin Sammüller

"The real estate industry is undergoing change and needs well-trained and interdisciplinary specialists and managers."

MSc Real Estate & Leadership Class

Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg 7

Mrithyunjaya Balasundaram

"Highly experienced professors and peers from the industry I got to learn from, who helped me improve myself both academically and professionally."

MBA Corporate Management Class

Duality, employability, value orientation, internationality and network approach

Benefits of applying through my website to Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA)

  1. Waived application fee

  2. Priority application treatment

  3. Rolling admission deadlines

  4. Fast profile check

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  1. EBS University - Study In Oestrich-Winkel

  2. New European College - Study In Munich

  3. University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) - Study In Berlin, Hamburg or Iserlohn

  4. Study Abroad - Partner Institutions

Evan Corrigan - 3805 Miles To Leipzig

Yana Immis

Mr. Evan Corrigan will start his M.Sc. (Master of Science) Finance program at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Leipzig in September 2022.

I wish him the best of luck with his studies and ask him a few questions before his relocation from the USA to Germany!

1. Why did you choose HHL Leipzig?

Truthfully, it was in large part due to the fact that I reached out to you on that Quora response about another school. I was impressed with what the school had to offer!

2. Why did you choose Finance as a major?

I chose finance as a major because I have worked in the finance sector for the past two years and it is a nice extension of my undergraduate at Fitchburg State University. There I graduated from a business administration program. I also have taken a heightened interest in both personal finance and investing, much of that was spurred on by the changes in life and spending during the onset of COVID in 2020. Finance is like engineering for money, and I find that appealing.

3. Why did you choose Germany out of so many options to study abroad?

I have been to Germany before: I studied abroad during my undergraduate studies at FSU. I did this in 2017 and I studied at Hochschule Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences in Kamp-Lintfort, NRW. The summer after I graduated from FSU, I returned to Germany to work at Camp Adventure in Walsrode, Lower Saxony. I knew that I wanted to go to Germany once more while I am still in my 20's, and I decided that it would be for school.

4. What do you plan to bring with you from the USA to Germany?

A lot...I am shipping my car with a good portion of my luggage in it. I have already got myself an International Driving Permit from AAA, and I intend to drive from Düsseldorf, to Gummersbach, to Mainz, to Thuringia, then finally to Leipzig. It'll be good fun.

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Could You Review Me Please? Study Abroad!

Yana Immis

Dear Students and Fellow Website Visitors!

I hope you are well! I want to help more students study abroad. But for that I would need your help. More reviews will bring more awareness for students to be able to reach out to me!

Could you please take 1 minute of your time to leave me a review and share my page among your friends? I will be forever thankful!

Please share with your friends that my consultations are free of charge and they can study...

  • Bachelor, Master, MBA degrees in

  • In Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Italy, UK, Canada, USA, Switzerland & ONLINE!

Or why don't you do a good thing in the past 2 horrible years with the COVID19 and war...
and review me on both channels?


Many thanks. Danke! Shukriya, Спасибо & Shukran!