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Study Abroad - Blog

Latest on the blog: Study Abroad, International Students, Study Abroad Because, Go Abroad, Scholarships Abroad, Success Stories, Visa, Blocked Account & Accommodation – stay up to date with news by clicking here.

Study In Germany Roundup: Best Articles 2019

Yana Immis

2019 has been a great year for me and thanks to you, my readers, my blog continues to thrive.

This year brought a lot of great news and discoveries for the education industry and studies in German higher educational establishments which has led to great content. Now that the year ended, it is a great time to take a look back at my best articles for the year and gear you for what’s to come in 2020.

Study In Germany Useful Tips

Study In Germany Videos

Study In Germany University Profiles

Study In Germany Success Stories

From The Author

Key Takeaway

Looking back, 2019 was a great year and I’m really proud that my website continues to be a go-to blog for people looking for studying abroad and studying in Germany in particular.

I plan on continuing relevant, informative, and fresh content for the readers and I hope to help more international students with their dream to study abroad!

🎅🦌 Year In Review & Happy Holidays

Yana Immis

Dear All,

It is time to say…

Happy Holidays in advance!

Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in the New Year ahead but first…

Let’s talk about 2019 results. How was it for you?

I started my business in July 2019 officially. What happened since then apart from sleepless work nights for students’ inquiries and content generation?

Here are the facts:

  • 1 of my students is already in Germany

  • 1 student has successfully gotten a visa within 3 weeks and is arriving in January

  • 6 students have already gotten their unconditional offer letters from German universities and are now obtaining blocked account & German national visa to study in Germany

  • 8 students have secured the conditional offer letters and are getting visa documents in a moment

It means that I individually helped 16 students to make their dreams come true since I started my business (since July only).

What can be better? This is what makes me happy and gives me the motivation to continue. I hope my YouTube Videos and Blog Articles are useful for the other dozens or hundreds of students and I look forward to working with more international students to help them move and study abroad!

I thank all my university partners, students, their parents and friends for the support in my business! I see you in 2020!!! Regardless of which holiday you celebrate (if you celebrate at all), I hope you have an incredible holiday!

Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays!

Warning! New Regulation For The Blocked Account In Germany

Yana Immis

WARNING! GERMAN VISA! As of 1st of September 2019, you need to apply for a visa with the extended Blocked Account sum.⁠ Make sure to check 💯if it impacts you.

Still unsure which blocked account option to choose? Choose Coracle! (The best option for international students in 2020-2024)