Study Abroad - Apply to University and Country Here — Yana Immis

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56 Passauerstraße
München, BY, 81369

+49 176 86 32 51 05

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Apply to any country and uni here!

Interested to Study Abroad? Contact me today for a free consultation. Feel free to reach out at any time. I am happy to lend a hand.


Application Form Start

Ready to apply? Go ahead and use the form below!

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Application Start

* indicates required
How would you like to be addressed?
Don't forget to check your email Junk Spam Promotion folders
Please include your country code. Example: 0049 xxx xx xx xx
Gender *
/( dd / mm )
Where would you like to study?
(Let me know your top majors' preferences i.e. Psychology)
Only for studies excluding accommodation & Blocked Account
Parents; Personal Savings; Loan; Scholarship - be precise!
Please least all names here. Write NONE if there are none
If you were to google your initial study abroad request

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