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18 IELTS Tips And Tricks To Get Band 7 Or Higher Part 2

Yana Immis

Tip #3 Set realistic goals but aim a bit higher! Tip#8 Play video games that involve active conversations with your team members in English.

12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 2)

Yana Immis

12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 2) Putin

You can have talent, but I believe skills can all be learnt. I believe in hard work.

To become a good salesperson, I had to have a dozen years of experience and some very good books. For a salesperson, it really depends on the company, nature of the business and sales cycle for you to understand if you are successful or not. For me, it happened 2 years after working as a sales manager to see my results and achievements.

My philosophy is to always put the customer first because I know some businesses say this, but they don’t do this. Putting the customer first and remaining ethical will guarantee your long-term success. Many times I had tough decisions to do but as long as your purpose would be right and your services are in need, you will be successful!

Passion, Patience, and Persistence

While travelling through Cuba I met a new friend, he is from Poland. He has a dream to open his boxing school with Cuban masters in Poland because boxing sport is not yet developed much in where he comes from (Poznan). He doesn’t yet know how to make money with it, but he doesn’t put this priority first. He cares about the youth and the limited access to sports and that is what drives his passion. The money will come. Money always comes if you care about the customer first. There will be the right people coming up in your life when you least expect it.

He found his Purpose For Existence (PFE) – read more about it in my previous recommended reading article. Have you found yours?

Some books inspired me to learn further, some books inspired me to start my own business, in this chapter, I will focus mostly on the sales books which I learnt a lot from.

12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 2)
12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 2) 2
12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 2) 3

3 books from my ex-Boss Mr. Sascha Liebhardt. Thanks so much:

  • Mindshift

    Similar to making a jump, you can do the mind shift. The book about choices and changes we make. This book will help you uncover and develop the talents you could have never thought you had!

  • Sales Management

    This book was very difficult to read but it was worth it as it was like a Sales Bible with all the necessary sales basics to start off with.

  • Deep Work

    The amount of information available around and the limited work time we have – two challenges these days. The book helps you concentrate, prioritize and go into the concentration mode when it is needed the most.

The books I acquired for myself to help me develop in work & life:

  • The Art of War

    Interesting concept of approaching everything in life strategically. A large part of the book is dealing with leadership and the best qualities of a leader.

  • Cracking the Sales Management Code

    A very good sales book for salespeople aiming to be top performers in the company. I learnt a lot of skills and methods.

  • Way of the Wolf

    I always wanted to read this book after watching the movie “Wolf of Wall Street”. Once I unexpectedly came across the Jordan Belford selling YouTube video and I loved the way he presented himself, it was worth watching.

12 Business Books That Inspired Me (Part 1)

Yana Immis

12 Business Books That inspired me part 1 2

I am not a fan of reading. But sometimes it is essential. I have to admit I have been wrong all my life dodging literature and reading.

Some books inspired me so much that I couldn’t sleep at night and I was overwhelmed about how many ideas could be implemented.

I became hungry for knowledge and with a lot of excitement I was turning the pages until I finished the books.

Every time I read the book, I highlight important points I haven’t heard about in the past and I try to instantly apply it in my business.

When the book was over, there was a moment of “What do I read now?” and a bit of depression associated with it,

It is the same as when you finish a TV - show after binging it.

What next?

12 Business Books That inspired me part 1

So let me help you with these inspirational books that I read myself and absolutely adore!

I start off with the books that motivated me to:

  • Change my life

  • Quit my job

  • Start my business

  • Travel the world.

    I am on the road with my laptop being an educational consultant on-the-go, let’s call myself a nomad agent or “German Education Fairy”, as per my first customer review.

The books come in the order of the most impact, it means you need to start from the top and then advance to the rest of the points in the list.

  • The Why Cafe

    • My ultra-cool friend Antje gave me this book and she said it would make you sit down and think about your life, your passion, and purpose.

It is a super short book and it goes as one short story of a lost person - a story which makes you understand that the definition of happiness and purpose for existence for every single person is different.

A person, who owns his own bakery and is earning just sufficient to live a good life (in his terms) may be happier than a person with $ millions. Some of you might argue, but for me, it is the case.

I found my Purpose For Existence (PFE) - to help people and do what I’m good at: consulting students on their educational path abroad. What is your PFE? Read the book and share with us!

  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

    • My ex-boss and a good friend, whose name you will come across often in my articles, Sascha always piled up the books on my desk and this was one of them.

Basically, the book is a gem for those who find themselves lost in the number of emails and appointments on the agenda. This book teaches us to prioritize our time, group up emails and activities, turn off when it is needed and not to overload ourselves with responsibilities.

Does this book actually have secrets to a happy life? Yes! - read it! I was overwhelmed by the amount of micromanagement I had to do at my job and it helped me concentrate, stay calm and be organized no matter what the unpredictable events would come up.

  • How To Win Friends and Influence People

    • From Sascha as well.

I cannot find words to describe how much this book actually helped me. It teaches a lot of reverse psychology, human relationships in private & business life and how with only a few small changes in character traits or a smile or a nice word, people are eager to help out.

I am practicing it every day and reading it once in a while over and over again. This book is a Bible for the negotiations!

  • When to Jump: If the Job You Have Isn't the Life You Want

    • When I was living in Japan, Antje visited me and in the night club, called Feria in Tokyo, we met Mike Lewis. He was travelling the world and playing squash… and then he wrote this book.

12 Business Books That inspired me part 1 3

Mike tells stories of successful people who dared to make a jump. He inspired me to do one too and his stories inspired me to write success stories of the foreigners.

Hey, thank you so much for the work you do!

If you are sitting in the office 9 AM - 5 PM or 8 AM - 8 PM (consultant schedule) and you have been thinking: “This is not me, this is not what I want to do with my life”, then this is a perfect book for you to be inspired, change your life and dare to make a jump! That’s what I did as well, follow me!

  • What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful

    • From Sascha as well (haha).

Many people after reaching successful positions or leading dozens of people stop noticing the reality in front of them. They are successful already and it is blinding them from the truth: there is always a room for improvement. This book opens your eyes, that there is no limit to development.

  • Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals

    • This book I actually got myself (for a change).

I quit my job, I booked flights for the world trip and I designed my website - this was the start of my best year ever. This book helps you minimize risk, make calculated decisions and gives you directions. Are you ready to start your best year ever? Get the book!