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What Is Blocked Account In Germany (Including Insurance Pro Tip)

Yana Immis

The blocked account (Sperrkonto) is a special type of bank account. You are required to open such an account before applying for a German Study Visa Type D (Above 90 days). Read more here…

What Is Blocked Account In Germany (Including Insurance Pro Tip)

All you need to know about the Blocked Account in Germany!

Blocked Account: do I need it?

If you are moving to Germany for studies, language courses, preparatory courses (Studienkolleg), or job-seeking visa, keep the information about the blocked account in mind!

In general, if you are from outside the EU and you are not sponsored from a German side, you will need a blocked account. Apprentice or Au-Pair? This is applicable to you as well!

Blocked Account sum

Attention! Every year the blocked account (Sperrkonto) sum may grow. Make sure to keep yourself up-to-date. As of September 2019, the sum you need to block with the German bank is 10,236 Euro.

Drawback: Initial financing required is high (to keep in mind that 1st-year expenses are much higher than the next years, because of the university deposit, tuition fees as well as the accommodation deposit payments).

Benefit: Monthly withdrawal capacity is high as well, which helps students to support their living expenses from one month to another.

Yana Immis Study Abroad What Is Blocked Account In Germany (Including Insurance Pro Tip) 3

The blocked account guarantees you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses in Germany for a year. It is called a blocked account for a reason! Consider it a child allowance: you can only take a certain amount of the account on a monthly basis.

A student is allowed to withdraw a monthly sum of 853 € after reaching Germany, hence the blocked account balance at the time of the visa application must be 10,236€. This is the minimum living standard for 12 months in Germany in 2019. If you are studying for a shorter period and need a blocked account for a German language course or Job Seeker Visa, then you need to open an account with the amount equivalent to the number of months you plan to stay in Germany.

Blocked Account documents & deadlines

The list of documents is subjective due to nationality and the bank provider. However, the majority of the documents include:

  1. Valid Passport

  2. Application Form

  3. Offer Letter

    • Conditional / Provisional Letter will suffice

  4. Income Statement and /or Bank Statement

  5. The Prepaid fee to open the bank account at the provider

Blocked Account process

You can decide on your own where to open the blocked account.

What you need to keep in mind:

  • You must apply for a blocked account in advance

  • You need to check the requirements for a Blocked Account at the local embassy

  • You have to make sure that you open the account under your own name

  • You need to check that your Blocked Account is approved by the Federal Foreign Office

  • You need to block 10,236 Euro

  • You can take out max 853 Euro per month unless, with written permission, your bank will let you take out a bigger sum

  • You can close the blocked account only if the purpose of studying in Germany is not fulfilled (visa rejection, university rejection, etc). You need an official confirmation!

Blocked Account providers Germany

The bank account for students, who require a visa (India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Colombia, etc.) must be opened before the visa application. You can open a blocked account from your home country at:

  • Coracle - the best option for international students in 2020-2024!

    • Allowing you to open an account almost instantly online!

  • Deutsche Bank

  • Fintiba

  • Expatrio

The last few years, more and more available options for opening a blocked account appeared to simplify the visa process for the foreign students, as an example, country-specific banks:

  • Kotak Mahindra (India)*

  • Isbank (Turkey)

  • UBL Bank (Pakistan)

*Disadvantages of choosing a local solution (as an example Kotak Mahindra):

  1. The problem in Germany during Visa extension: By law, the deposited amount should be “blocked”. Kotak Mahindra sends the deposited amount to students’ regular bank account. When students go for Visa extension at the Ausländerbbehörde, they will in most of cases not accept the funds in a current account. Students will be forced to open a Blocked Account in Germany.

  2. Forex Risk: The deposited amount in Kotak Mahindra is in local currency. Forex fluctuation can lead to considerable loss. If Indian Rupee gets weaker against Euro in the time period between depositing and transfer (usually 3 months), the total available Euro after the transfer will be less. Then additional funds must be transferred with additional international fund transfer fees.

  3. Hidden Fee: The bank does not charge for the deposit. One must think about how the bank then earns money. Kotak earns in currency conversion margin. Student, once in Germany, has no option to choose a better remittance provider. Kotak decides what margin they set for the remittance. If for example, the Kotak’s forex rate is 50 paisa expensive than other market providers, then the student loses 5,000 Rupees on a 10K Euro transfer.  Not having a choice to select the remittance provide is a HUGE disadvantage with financial impact.

Citizens from countries like Japan, Australia, Chile, Brazil, who have visa-free entry to Germany would be required to open an account after coming to Germany. There is plenty of available banks to open the blocked account in person after the arrival:

  • Hypovereinsbank

  • Commerzbank

  • Postbank

  • Sparkasse

If you are unsure which group of students you belong to (nationality wise), find your country on the list for the visa regulations here.

Yana Immis Study Abroad What Is Blocked Account In Germany (Including Insurance Pro Tip) 2

Blocked Account exceptions

Studying in Germany without a blocked account is possible if you fulfill one of the requirements listed below:

  1. Scholarship from an educational establishment

  2. Confirmation of government funding or approved student loan in Germany

    • Scholarship must come from a reputed government or Educational institution (e.g., DAAD, Max Planck)

    • The sum must cover your living expenses

  3. Invitation from a friend or relative living in Germany (Verpflichtungserklärung)

    • This person will be responsible to support you financially during your studies

    • The reason for the invitation must be clearly stated: “Studium” (studies)

    • This document must be obtained in person at an Alien’s Registration Office in Germany

In case you do not match any of the requirements above, the blocked account becomes a mandatory prerequisite for the visa in order to study in Germany.

In this case, make sure to choose the best and the most cost-effective option. After a deep analysis, I have come to the conclusion, that 2020-2024’s best option is Coracle!!

Yana Immis Study Abroad What Is Blocked Account In Germany (Including Insurance Pro Tip) 4

Knowing how it is to be in the student’s position, leaving home to study in a new country or even new continent, not knowing what lies ahead, Coracle was founded by a former student (he came from India to study in Germany) with a purpose to ease the German Visa process for all the international students.

Blocked Account Coracle Offer

  • a digital, fast (less than 24hrs) and uncomplicated solution for the requirements of a Blocked Account

  • a free Incoming Travel Insurance

  • a Health Insurance of the student’s choice

  • documents are accepted by all German Embassies

  • a young and multilingual customer support team (speaking 10+ languages) always available for you

Blocked Account Coracle Benefits

There are a lot of benefits that make Coracle unique among the 4 accepted German Blocked Account providers:

  1. Offering the Blocked Account to Minors (below 18 years old)

  2. Choice of insurances

  3. No discrimination in terms of nationality or country

  4. The best price-quality-ratio enabling students to get the most out of their budget: 12 months of Blocked Account at only 59€ + a free Incoming Travel Insurance, which is required for the student visa + a Health Insurance of students’ choice!

  5. 3-in-1 PRIME OFFER (for the visa interview, the student will have to present the blocked account confirmation and the incoming travel insurance. Latest on the day of enrollment, they will have to hand in the confirmation from a Health Insurance company. That’s why Coracle offers all three services in one package)

The Coracle Prime Offer

  1. 12 months of Blocked Account at 59,- € (no monthly fees, not complicated cashback system)

  2. A free Incoming Travel Insurance, which is required for the Visa Interview (we offer it to the students, it’s totally for free)

  3. A Health Insurance of student’s choice (we do NOT cover any fee, the student will directly transfer the monthly amount to the respective Health Insurance Company, we don’t charge for our service of enabling the student to take care of this necessity already from his/her home country)

Blocked Account Coracle details & benefits

  • Available for minors, too

  • The very economic price of € 99,- if students wish to only apply for the Blocked account and € 59,- within the Prime offer (in both cases, the fee is all-inclusive, no monthly bank account fees, no complicated cashback system)

  • If the Visa should be rejected, Coracle pays the blocked amount and bank fees back

  • The simple activating process regarding the payout (no postident, no personal presentation required, etc.)

  • Fast Account Opening Confirmation (within max. 24hrs)

  • Blocked Amount Confirmation on the SAME DAY of cash receipt

  • First payout between 3 and 10 working days max.

Public Health Insurance Coracle Details & Benefits

  • Students are not restricted in their choice of Health Insurance, Coracle offers an independent comparison of three Public Health Insurances and the opportunity to write to us if they prefer a different Health Insurer. Students can select their preferred choice.

  • Insurance Certificate sent within 3h – 24h

  • No extra costs for students, they pay only the costs of the insurance company

  • No upfront payment, students start paying to Health Insurer only when they are here in Germany and only from the day of their enrollment on (until then, they are insured via the Incoming Travel Health Insurance)

Incoming Travel Insurance Coracle Details & Benefits

  • Complementary: a free of charge Incoming Travel Insurance if Public Health Insurance is applied via Coracle (Again: no complicated Cash-Back System)

  • Insurance Cover up to 180 days

  • Insurance Certification within 3h - 24h

  • Departure Date can be changed subsequently

  • Accepted by ALL German Consulates

Still having a lot of questions or doubts about the topic? Click on the button below to learn more about:

  • Blocked Account Documents & Deadlines

  • Blocked Account Procedure

How To Find Work In Germany Without Speaking German Part 2

Yana Immis

For non-EU/EEA nationals, before commencing your job search, you need to understand the visa requirements to stay in Germany for work or career reasons.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About

Yana Immis

69,2% OF FOREIGNERS WANT TO STAY! Countless job opportunities after graduation including an 18-month Job-Seeking visa with a 3.1% unemployment rate in one of the safest countries in the world. Study in Germany! Here is why!

Why Study In Germany?

  • Germany Free education (or affordable) with plenty of scholarships

Public universities in Germany

You can study in Germany for free in public universities. You can also study in Public universities in the English language. Germany offers affordable education with free or low tuition fees in state universities as well as competitive tuition fees in private universities.

Private universities in Germany

If you choose private schools, as everything is relative in life, they are cheaper than UK, USA, NZ, Australia, and Canada at least 2 times but offering the same value/level of education or even higher.

Scholarships & Discounts in Germany

A student ID may qualify students for special discounts on public transport, museums, libraries, cinemas, and even shopping, including the Apple store, as an example. Moreover, having matriculation from German university grants you access to public dormitories with low rental fees.

Don’t forget to check DAAD Scholarships Data Base to find the scholarship matching your profile. All my students were able to secure a 10-20% scholarship minimum!

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About
  • Lower cost of living in Germany in comparison to the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia

Germany cost of living

The cost of living in Germany is on the European average. Rent costs, clothing, food, and activities are relatively low.

Accommodation in Germany

Rents in Hamburg, Munich, and other metropolitan cities are higher than average. However, relative to other European cities, i.e. London or Paris or rents in the USA, the accommodation expenses in Germany are rather low.

Monthly Cost for a Room In Germany (in €)

Source: Statista (2019)
  • No need to learn German. Study in English in Germany!

German is a national language, however, English is widely spoken. In big cities, locals are often brought up bilingual, communicating freely in the English language. Here is how you can score well on IELTS and study in Germany in English. There are plenty of opportunities to study in English or German or English/German tracks

Bachelor Programs in English in Germany

  • 3 or 4 years long (180 - 210 ECTS points).

  • Mainly 6-8 Semesters

  • Mostly require Studienkolleg and Feststellungsprüfung

Master Programs in English in Germany

  • 1 or 2 years long (60 ECTS / 120 ECTS).

  • Mainly 2-4 semesters (exceptions apply: 5-semester programs with Non-Business Bridge Semester)

  • Master programs in Germany are consecutive: if you have a Bachelor in Physics, you need to apply to a Master in Physics degree (or alternative similar field of study)

Ph.D. Programs in Germany

Mainly 4-6 semesters

MBA Programs in English in Germany

  • 1 or 1.5 years duration (60-90 ECTS)

  • The MBA programs are designed for working professionals with extensive work experience.

  • MBA programs in Germany are non-consecutive: a Bachelor's degree can come from a non-related field.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 2
  • Easy German Student Visa with low denial rates

German Student Visa Benefits

  1. 1-3 months waiting time. Average of 19 working days

  2. One mandatory requirement: Blocked Account with 10236 Euro (Still unsure which blocked account option to choose? Choose Coracle! (The best option for international students in 2020-2024))

  3. Gaps for the German embassy are irrelevant

  4. Possibility to bring spouse and children on a study visa

  5. Very low-risk visa – secure future

  • 'Made In Germany' seal of quality - the best country for international students in terms of ranking & image

While many prospective students tend to think of the United Kingdom and the United States first when considering where in the world they want to study, Germany remains the ‘best country for educational tourism for 2 consecutive years according to Study.EU.

Well-known companies & brands including BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Bayer, Munich RE & Football Clubs FC Bayern, Borussia Dortmund call Germany home.

According to the statistics, the largest German employers are Volkswagen (642,000 employees worldwide), Deutsche Post (519,000), Robert Bosch (402,000), Schwarz-Gruppe (retail, 400,000) and Siemens (372,000).

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 3
  • Germany Study Visa Permission to work during studies, right after studies and 1.5 years to search for a job after graduation (job-seeking visa)

International Students in Germany

Foreign students have permission to work while studying and to extend their visas accordingly.

During studies

120 full-time days a year

(40 hours a week)

240 part-time days a year

(20 hours a week) 

After studies

18 Months “Job-Seeking Visa”

Work Visa

Permanent Residence (after 5 years)

German Passport (after 7 years)

  • One of the world’s most powerful passports (German Passport #1-3 in the world)

Germans hold one of the world’s most powerful passports (in 2018 citizens can visit up to 188 countries visa-free). Having achieved a very high score in three main categories (education, costs, life & career), Germany is an ideal choice for international students on many occasions.

  • Foreigner-friendly universities in Germany

Students in Germany

In the 2016/17 winter semester, 2.8 million students were enrolled at 426 officially recognized universities in Germany. Overall, there were 357,835 international students.

Germany is the most populous country in the European Union with more than 83 million people. The biggest hubs are Berlin (3,6 million), Hamburg (1,8 million), and Munich (1,5 million).

Foreign Students in Germany

Foreigners make up 13% of the total population. 10,6 million foreigners from all over the world are living in Germany. Most of them come from Turkey, Poland, and Syria. There are plenty of Indian, Chinese, and Russian students across the universities.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 4
  • Availability of courses with 2 starting dates per year: September and March! No time waste. Start studies in Germany now!

Study in Germany

More than 400 state-accredited universities provide almost 20,000-degree courses. German universities offer high-quality affordable education in a variety of subjects ranging from Hospitality, Management & Business, STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) to Humanities, Biotechnology, and Pharmacology.

  • Top Quality of Teaching. The quality of all higher education institutions in Germany is equally good

It mainly depends on what you want to study. Germany is one of the leading countries with the best education levels. Highly qualified staff provide excellent learning opportunities. Given the resources, you can develop your intellectual abilities and personal skills to reach your full potential.

  • Career centers at German Business Schools for job placement and career counselling

When you are choosing universities of applied sciences, Hochschule, or business schools you will have an amazing experience with a hands-on approach. Efforts of the university directly correlate with your employability and the starting minimum salary after graduation!

Business Schools in Germany

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 5

…have many more benefits to this:

  1. Attracting guest speakers

  2. Visiting companies

  3. Hands-On approach

  4. Case studies

  5. Real-life scenarios

  6. Teachers from the industry

  • Safety & Rich Culture welcoming foreigners in Germany

Germany is one of the safest countries in the world. By day or by night, you can move around freely. Social levels are very high, whereas crime rates are close to none. It is the perfect location to start a family as you can easily bring spouse and children and you will know they are always safe.

Japanese restaurants, Indian shops, Mosques, and orthodox churches nearby – this is Germany with mixed cultures and acceptance.

  • The low unemployment rate in Germany

It is an advantage in both the knowledge and future employment of foreign graduates in Germany, Europe, and consequently worldwide.

How to find work in Germany?

Education is only a part of the benefits. Professors, classmates, and business connections help you develop your network and land in the dream job as an ideal candidate. Now is the time to be a job seeker in Germany. With more than 1.2 million job openings recorded at the end of 2017, Germany is seeing its highest number of job vacancies since 1990 - a bright economic outlook for today's job seekers throughout Germany. 

Germany has a very low rate of unemployment and it's been falling fairly consistently. In June 2018 Germany was approaching full employment. This is the lowest level since reunification.

Investors never felt better about the German economy, which grew in 2017 at its fastest rate of expansion since 2011.

A lot of jobs in Tech or Information Technology, as well as positions at internationally oriented startups, require no German language for entry positions. It is highly advisable to build contacts with suitable companies – for example by means of an internship or working student (Werk Student) position during studies.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 6
  • High Income in Germany

Salaries in Germany

On average, university graduates earned an annual gross salary of 43,000 Euro in 2018.

Students of mathematical and technical subjects, including IT (Information technology), have better salary prospects.

Hourly pay 

  • 9,47 Euro legal minimum as of 2018 April

  • It is a usual practice to earn 10-13 Euro on an hourly basis

  • Working students earn 15-30 Euro per hour on average 

Social contributions

Foreign students taking employment in Germany are protected by unemployment, health, nursing care, pension, and accident insurance.

Tax benefits

If you stay and work in Germany after graduation, you can often deduct previous tuition fees from your income tax.

  • Germany Schengen Visa: location & one visa for 16 countries

Located right in the heart of Europe, students coming to Germany, enjoy the benefits of a Schengen visa, granting entry to all European Union countries. Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxemburg, Belgium, and the Netherlands border with Germany providing excellent travel opportunities for leisure and sports activities.

German Culture

Of the 1,092 UNESCO World Heritage Sites worldwide, 44 are located in Germany alone. Among those:

  • Islands with long sand dunes in the North

  • Forests with medieval castles in Central Germany

  • The Alps with plenty of lakes in the South

Germany is a country with a rich history. Event calendars are filled with exhibitions, concerts, festivals, performances, trade fairs, and sports events. Oktoberfest alone attracts 6 million tourists for a 16-day beer festival to Bavaria per year.

Students in the leisure time go to museums, cinema or a theatre; sit in a beer garden, walk on a beach, swim in a lake, climb a mountain or visit an old castle. Landscapes are incredibly picturesque and diverse: beaches, skyscrapers, mountain chains. Mountains are accessible all year long for hiking or mountain biking in Summer; skiing, sledding, and snowboarding in Winter.

Germany is a student hotspot allowing for overnight trips to many attractive locations, such as Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, or Prague.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About 7
  • German Cities & Infrastructure

All this is possible due to a developed infrastructure with reliable, safe, and clean train & bus systems as well as international airports. Within Germany’s cities, you can expect a high standard of public transportation: trams, buses, subway. Cycling to the workplace is a common practice, with thousands of kilometers of bicycle roads on the side.

  • German Work culture – work-life balance

The secret to Germany’s happiness and success are the values. Germans not only work 35 hours a week on average, but they also earn a good salary with full social benefits – all that including 6 weeks paid leave per year (according to Huffington Post Research).

  • German Strong economy

Germany is one of the EU (European Union) founding members and an active UN (United Nations) member striving to promote international cooperation and safeguarding world peace. Its economy is the largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.

Most of the exports are products, associated with mechatronics, automotive industry, electrical engineering, environmental technology, and pharmaceutical & chemical industry. Germany offers political and economic stability, which makes it an ideal place for studying abroad. Germany is one of the three largest exporting nations followed by the USA & China.

2/3rd of the major global industrial events take place in Germany attracting more than 10 million visitors. Germany is the world’s premier location for 150 international trade fairs. “Made in Germany” is a world recognizable seal of quality. According to the research across six categories (people, governance, exports, tourism, investment & immigration, and culture & heritage), Germany has replaced the United States as the country with the best “brand image”

Development of subcultures, art, music, culture with history and architecture are more reasons bringing international students to Germany. Every city is different and beautiful in its own way:

  • Hamburg is famous for aircraft construction, media, and trade companies, due it’s port access;

  • Stuttgart and Munich have a strong presence in the automotive and manufacturing industry.

    • Bavaria is High Tech oriented

    • Baden Württemberg is famous for vehicle construction

    • Rhine-Neckar focus is chemicals and IT

    • Frankfurt is the finance hub

    • Berlin is considered Europe's startup capital

Industrial hubs are highly decentralized with medium-sized enterprises currently embracing 99.6 % of German companies. Startup culture attracts youth and the government highly supports locals and foreigners alike to bring their ideas to life.

Germany is leading in Entrepreneurship according to the 2018 World Ranking.