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Joy Mandhotra - 7111 Km To Cologne

Yana Immis


Mr. Joy Mandhotra will start his Master of Arts in Digital Marketing (M.A.) program at CBS International Business School in Cologne in August 2021.

Joy Mandhotra - 7111 Km To Cologne - Study In Germany! 2.jpg

I wish him the best of luck with his studies and ask him a few questions before his relocation from India to Germany!

1. Why did you choose CBS International Business School? (Earlier Cologne Business School)?

I chose CBS because it is a well-reputed business school and has good industrial connections. More importantly, it had one of the most elaborate version of the course I was looking for, that is digital marketing.

2. Why did you choose Digital Marketing Major?

I have been working in the domain of content writing, travel blogging, social media advertising, and search engine optimization for the past 3 & a half years and have considerable experience in the field. A master’s in the same domain would solidify my pre-existing skills and I would learn so much more in a different country in a global environment.

Joy Mandhotra - 7111 Km To Cologne - Study In Germany! 3.jpeg

3. Why did you choose Germany out of so many options to study abroad?

Germany because it is well known for its educational standards. It has infinite job opportunities and the industry of digital marketing is ever-evolving and growing rapidly in Germany.

It is definitely the most sought for the country across the world and I had very few options to choose from and Germany definitely ranked higher for me.

WARNING: New Regulation For The Blocked Account In Germany (And Here Is How It Influences You)

Yana Immis

2022 UPDATE: The blocked account sum changed once again. See a more up-to-date information and article here: URGENT: This Is What Blocked Account In Germany Will Amount To From 2022!

2020 UPDATE: A lot can change in a year! The German Blocked Account monthly limit will be increased from 853 Euros to 861 Euros. This is due to the increase in BAfög grant. This video is to give tips to deal with the situation especially for visa application.

2019 UPDATE: WARNING! GERMAN VISA! As of 1st of September 2019, you need to apply for a visa with the extended sum.⁠ Make sure to check 💯if it impacts you.

New Blocked Account Regulation

As of 1st of September 2019, the German government has announced, that all foreign students considering moving to Germany for studies must have in mind an increased blocked account Balance. 10,236 Euro must be deposited to a blocked account in order to get the student visa.


Drawback: Initial financing required is extended (to keep in mind that 1st-year expenses are much higher than the next years, because of the university deposit, tuition fees as well as the accommodation deposit payments).

Benefit: Monthly withdrawal capacity increases, which helps students to support their living expenses from one month to another.

New Yearly Budget   10,236 Euro
New Monthly Withdrawal   861 Euro
Old Yearly Budget   8,640 Euro
Old Monthly Withdrawal   720 Euro

Students who applied for visa before 01.09.2019 or those who are already in Germany

WARNING: New Regulation For The Blocked Account In Germany (And Here Is How It Influences You)

The change is only applicable to later applications, however, to be on a safe side, since German embassies across the globe have already started requesting the updated amount, be cautious.

Solution: either add extra sum on your blocked account and request a confirmation; or put more money on your account for visa extension once you have arrived in Germany (prior to visa extension).

Students who applied for visa after 01.09.2019

Attention! Do not disregard this news putting yourself at risk!

WARNING: New Regulation For The Blocked Account In Germany (And Here Is How It Influences You) 2

Students with the old blocked sum may have:

  1. Visa delay due to a request to resubmit the account confirmation

  2. Visa denial

All these visa applications must have an increased blocked account balance confirmation.

Solution: transfer the difference between the new and the old blocked account sum (10236 – 8640 = 1596 Euro) to your account and request an additional confirmation from a selected bank. Make sure to take a confirmation email or document with you to the appointment.

This information is not relevant to you but you know someone who would find it helpful?

Make sure to share this article with them.

WARNING: New Regulation For The Blocked Account In Germany (And Here Is How It Influences You)

Blocked Account Basics

A blocked account (Sperrkonto) is a unique type of a bank account designed for international students, who are required to provide proof of financial stability when applying for the visa. The German government wants to see a certain amount of money on your account to make sure you have sufficient means to live in Germany in circumstances you cannot influence. As an example, your sponsor (unless you pay for studies yourself) is no longer able to pay for your studies, living expenses, and accommodation.

German embassy can accept other proof of financial support, however, there is no guarantee it will be accepted for the visa procedure. It is highly recommended that you go for the blocked account as well. The more documents proving financial solvency you can present, the higher your chances of risk-free visa attainment become.

Things to keep in mind:

  • It is highly recommended starting the blocked account procedure at least 2 weeks (1 month) prior to your visa appointment date. The blocked account doesn’t require you to have an unconditional (final) offer letter and the opening/money transferring procedure can be done with a conditional (provisional) offer letter.

  • The blocked account may only be opened with a ‘Zweck’ (a reason). In your case, the reason is ‘Study Purposes’. This account can only be opened once you have been accepted to one of the German educational establishments.

  • You do not lose this sum and it is safely kept with the bank until your arrival. You will be granted access to withdraw a monthly allowance after the registration at the local residence authority in Germany.

  • The blocked account may only be closed if the beneficiary can no longer fulfill the reason for the blocked account opening (studies), in this case, it means a denial after conditional offer or denial in the visa. The blocked account may only be closed with the written confirmation from the authorities (University or the German embassy respectively).

  • Important: every time you apply for visa extension in Germany, the Immigration Office has a right to demand a confirmation you have a full amount securely saved on your account. It means, that you need to maintain this balance at any point of time and the funds must always be available. You do not have to withdraw monthly sums, but you have a right to do so.

  • Should you wish to extend your monthly withdrawal limit, it is possible, under certain circumstances (up to 1200 Euro per month). You need to consult your bank and ask for the permission with the confirmation that you are obliged to withdraw more than the limit (i.e. rent). The bank will decide if you would be granted a permission.

Still unsure which blocked account option to choose? Choose Coracle! (The best option for international students in 2020-2024)

Still having a lot of questions or doubts about the topic? Click on the button below to learn more about:

  • Blocked Account Exceptions

  • Blocked Account Options

  • Blocked Account Documents & Deadlines

  • Blocked Account Procedure


Yana Immis

Dear Visitor to my website!

I am organizing an All Germany Roadshow to visit all the universities, friends from the success stories, partner institutions and my recent students from abroad who successfully arrived in Germany.

If you are one of those and interested to meet to discuss past current and future, hit me up!

30.08.2020 Sunday Munich-Berlin

31.08.2020 Monday Berlin

01.09.2020 Tuesday Berlin

02.09.2020 Wednesday Berlin

03.09.2020 Thursday Berlin - Leipzig - Berlin

04.09.2020 Friday Berlin - Hamburg

05.09.2020 Saturday Hamburg

06.09.2020 Sunday Hamburg

07.09.2020 Monday Hamburg

08.09.2020 Tuesday Hamburg-Bremen

09.09.2020 Wednesday Bremen-Dortmund-Cologne

10.09.2020 Thursday Cologne

11.09.2020 Friday Cologne/Bad Honnef

12.09.2020 Saturday Cologne-Koblenz

13.09.2020 Sunday Eltz Castle

14.09.2020 Monday Vallendar - Koblenz - Frankfurt

15.09.2020 Tuesday Frankfurt

16.09.2020 Wednesday Frankfurt Oestrich-Winkel + Wiesbaden

17.09.2020 Thursday Frankfurt - Heidelberg

18.09.2020 Friday  Heidelberg - Freiburg

19.09.2020 Saturday Freiburg

20.09.2020 Sunday Freiburg - Munich