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56 Passauerstraße
München, BY, 81369

+49 176 86 32 51 05

My Website Is 5 Years Old! Happy Birthday!

Study Abroad - Blog

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My Website Is 5 Years Old! Happy Birthday!

Yana Immis

Hello Website Visitor!!!

Whichever inquiry brought you to this page, I am very happy to have you on board.

I started this Study Abroad website 5 years ago with a lot of hopes, dreams, and expectations.

Until now I have already helped thousands of students with my Useful Tips Articles and consulted a hundred students individually. That is all I can ask for: happy customers and clients.

To all of you who will arrive by the year-end to study abroad - my fingers crossed all will work out!

Yana Immis Study Abroad Study In Germany Study In Europe Birthday.jpg

I would like to express my sincere Thank You to Admissions & Recruitment at each of the private schools in Germany for your assistance and for handling my spam on a weekly basis!

Without you I would not manage to succeed with smooth student recruitment!

Yana Immis Study Abroad Study In Germany Study In Europe Birthday 2.jpg

Thank you! Without you, I would not manage to succeed.

I am working on new cooperations to offer the best of the best educational programs in Europe to my students.

Anybody here wants to study at the top-ranked university?

As a conclusion to my annual review, I would like to announce that I am doing a visit to my students in October 2024 in Europe

If you are in Portugal or Germany or Russia in Fall 2024, hit me up: let’s meet.

See you soon! Let’s make 2024-2025 Academic Year Better!!! Unsure where to start?