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Arti Dhole - From Mumbai To Munich

Yana Immis

Ms. Arti Dhole has successfully completed her Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Munich Business School (MBS) in Munich (Started in March 2020).

“I am an engineer by education and Marketeer by profession. I have had a decade-long successful career in India when I decided I wanted more than a regular job and I wanted to stretch my professional horizons.

The best way to start a career abroad is by studying.

While I was evaluating several countries and the cost of MBA courses, I met Yana Immis on Quora where she had replied to one of my queries.

I was looking for:

1. affordable

2. good quality education

3. in a country which could also offer me a work permit

When I spoke to her, I found her to understand my background and my requirement, she immediately listed down the list of universities where I could apply.

I had told her my concerns about not scoring high marks in GMAT but she counseled me on how colleges need more than just GMAT scores.


Out of all the colleges at hand, I had found Munich Business School to be the college that offered the exact subjects which I wanted to study which included innovation, entrepreneurship and corporate strategy.

Other colleges wanted me to do specialization on any one of the subjects but MBS offered me the whole gamut of specializations in just one year course which was perfect to suit my needs.

Additionally doing MBA in Germany would also offer me 18 months of work permit after my studies

…which was a perfect fitting for me!

I immediately started writing my motivation letter; at every step I found Yana supporting and encouraging me to present my best self. I even had few recommendation letters pending to submit to the college but Yana had already managed to arrange an interview with Munich Business School for me.

The interview went well and they offered me the admission letter almost immediately. Considering my situation, Yana guided me to apply for a scholarship. I wasn’t sure if I would be the right candidate to apply for the scholarship but Yana had complete faith in me. I eventually even managed to secure a good scholarship and join the college.

The best thing about Yana is that she never leaves you alone:

  • she will be a part of your journey right from the time you sign up with her, to the time you secure admission

  • during your visa process and till you land in Munich and even after that to know your situation in your new environment

  • she gives her special magic touch to every little detail regarding your education

  • and not to forget she doesn’t charge you a penny for any of her services

After I landed in Munich, my classes lasted only for a week after which the school shifted to online classes for a month as a precaution to the Corona Virus pandemic. We are currently studying online and enjoying life in Munich!


But within that week itself, I won an award for the best elevator pitch and my team won ‘Munich Business School Championship 2020’ and I was so proud of myself, but most importantly…

…I was happy that Yana became a family outside India and trusted me to come to this stage, prove myself and achieve my dreams. I will be forever thankful to her for the same.”

A Day In Germany VLOG Part 1: Flight To Munich, Transport, Cycling Around The City

Yana Immis

I've been where you are. In 2009 at the age of 18, I moved from a small city in Russia to study at a University in Germany.

MBA In Germany. Selecting The Best Business School? Here's how!

Yana Immis

Get your foot in the door of Germany's job market with an MBA from Germany. Do not forget, “Made In Germany” is a seal of quality. Are you having difficulties selecting the city, major, university or program? No worries, I did a breakdown for you below!

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an internationally-recognized degree that is aimed at the working professionals with at least 2 years (in some instances 3) work experience in the managerial or subject-related position.

The future university is looking for a student who has already managed projects, people or had responsibility for a high budget in the previous job position to be able to contribute to the group.

Selecting The Best Business School for an MBA In Germany? Here's how! 3

MBA studies in Germany are non-consecutive, it means that a graduate of any major can apply for MBA (engineering, medicine, architecture, marketing, languages, etc). Important: work experience!

Earning an MBA opens doors and helps professionals enhance their career opportunities, become a candidate for increased salaries, grow their network.

MBA is a great opportunity in a short period of time to learn all spheres of business to be able to take over a managerial position, open your own company or join a global player in the market.

A degree from a well-ranked university consequently contributes to exponential salary growth.

There are also different types of MBA degrees:

  • The full-time two-year MBA program

  • The full-time one-year MBA program

  • Part-time two-year MBA program*

  • Full-time or weekend executive MBA program, which is designed for students with prevailing work experience years (>10)*

* visa restrictions apply

Top-ranked MBA programs require you to have at least 7.0 IELTS and GMAT 600+ points. Read more about these tests here:

Let’s start! Time to choose out of the best business schools in Germany your MBA program. We will rank them by:


Bad Honnef



HSBA (Hamburg School of Business Administration)*

* 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HSBA here

KLU (Kuehne Logistics University)


GISMA Business School


HHL Leipzig**

** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HHL here


EBS Universität***

*** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about EBS here


ESCP, IU, BSBI (Berlin School of Business & Innovation),

GISMA Business School, ISM, SRH Hochschule


CBS International Business School


Schiller International University


ISM Hochschule, Munich Business School (MBS), IESE, Hochschule Fresenius, New European College (NEC)****

**** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about NEC here


WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (#1 Business School in Germany)

📲 👉🏻 Read more about WHU here

Selecting The Best Business School for an MBA In Germany? Here's how! 7


Maritime & Shipping Management

BSBI (Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

KLU (Kuehne Logistics University)

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration*

* 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HSBA here

Big Data Management


Engineering Project Management


Healthcare Management





Executive MBA

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration

GISMA Business School

EBS Universität

Digital Marketing & Communication

New European College

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

New European College**

** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about NEC here

Accounting & Finance

New European College





General Management

ISM Hochschule

New European College

Munich Business School

CBS International Business School

EBS Universität***

HHL Leipzig****

Schiller International University

Touro College Berlin

SRH Hochschule Berlin


*** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about EBS here

**** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HHL here

Corporate Management

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration



IT - Information technology


Human Resources


Selecting The Best Business School for an MBA In Germany? Here's how! 6


13.250 - 20.700 €

New European College*

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration

BSBI (Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

CBS International Business School

Touro College Berlin


* 📲 👉🏻 Read more about NEC here

27.210 - 32.000 €

Schiller International University

GISMA Business School

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration

MBS (Munich Business School)

21.600 - 25.800 €

ISM Hochschule

CBS International School

SRH Hochschule

Schiller International University

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration**

EBS Universität

34.920 - 40.000 €

HHL Leipzig****

EBS Universität***

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

CBS International Business School

** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HSBA here

*** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about EBS here

**** 📲 👉🏻 Read more about HHL here

Selecting The Best Business School for an MBA In Germany? Here's how! 5

Would you like to know more about GMAT, IELTS, GPA & Work Experience entry requirements? Fill out the application form to start!

Let me tell you everything about the ranking, accreditation and reputation of each school - I am happy to help.

And do not forget you can start German language lessons every Monday in Germany with Schiller German Language School, Humboldt, Inlingua, BWS Germanlingua & other language schools online and offline. Contact me to find out more!

Benefits of applying through my website to either of the universities

  1. Waived application fee

  2. 5-15% Scholarship for talented students

  3. Priority application treatment

  4. Rolling admission deadlines

  5. Fast profile check

Related Articles:

  1. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management - Study In Leipzig

  2. Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg

  3. EBS University - Study In Oestrich-Winkel

  4. Study Abroad - Partner Institutions