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Yana Immis Educational Consultant Study Abroad Blog.png

Study Abroad - Blog

Latest on the blog: Study Abroad, International Students, Study Abroad Because, Go Abroad, Scholarships Abroad, Success Stories, Visa, Blocked Account & Accommodation – stay up to date with news by clicking here.

Work At Microsoft, Study In Ireland, YouTube Highlights & More

Yana Immis


Have you missed me?

My website became live & online on the 15th of July 2019 and it will soon be 2 years. I have a few amazing news for you:

1. Parallel to study abroad business I started working at Microsoft! I moved to Dublin, Ireland for the next step in my career.

To be able to help students and inspire them I have to continuously develop myself and be an example to follow and a success story.

Microsoft is always looking for talented employees. If you know me personally, send me your CV and we will see available options. Perhaps there is a match?

2. I am now offering study in Ireland options for international students!

You can already consider hundreds of programs at one of the best universities in the world: Trinity College Dublin.

Do you want to be one of my students?

Free consultations are available and you should not wait to start here.

3. You can start your studies at public universities in Italy and study for free or only for 1000-3000 Euro per year through a colleague of mine! Simply fill out the application form and choose Italy as the study destination.

Interested in Canada, Australia & other countries? We can help you study there as well. Hit me up!

4. My YouTube Channel has reached 1500 subscribers! Thank you for your support.

Stay tuned to Blocked Account, GMAT, and IELTS news from Germany and Europe as a whole.

The videos with Q&A sessions will resume soon, hence do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel because you do not want to miss out. Do you?

5. 6 of my brilliant students applied with me to the best universities in Germany: WHU, HHL & ESCP.

Let’s wish them good luck to start their studies in September and for the positive interview results!

If you would be interested to learn about particular topics connected to life in Ireland or studying in Europe, make sure to comment on my Facebook or, LinkedIn. Your voice will always be heard. Nearly always, it depends if you are nice to me. 😊

Stay tuned and thank you for reading this, following me and supporting me. This all would not be possible without your help!

Will Study Abroad 2021 Happen? Are Study Abroad Programs Cancelled?

Yana Immis

Dear Reader, this article is for you if you…

  1. are interested to study abroad this and next year

  2. are experiencing visa challenges in the German embassy due to COVID19

  3. have postponed your study in Europe plans to 2021 and 2022

  4. have changed the location to study abroad to

    • a more affordable option

    • an option in a different country (which embassy is open in your country)

    • a country where the visa is given easier than the previous choice

    • a country where no blocked account/IELTS is required

No worries - I can help you find the way out. Do not cancel your plan, find an alternative route or study online & hybrid mode until your visa is ready! Now you can also choose the countries, which are already open to overseas students!

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Please spread the word for this breaking news! To help students find more affordable European Countries to study I have reached out to my colleagues in the education & public sector.

I am proud to announce that as of 2021 I have a dozen of new powerful cooperations and candidate universities added to the list of study abroad programs!

New Highly-Ranked Universities To Study Abroad At

Study Abroad In Germany - Where?


  • Berlin Int. University of Applied Sciences

  • ESCP Business School

  • KLU - Kühne Logistics University

  • Lancaster University Leipzig

Will Study Abroad 2021 Happen Are Study Abroad Programs Cancelled 3.jpg


  • BU - Brand University of Applied Sciences

  • BSBI - Berlin School of Business & Innovation

  • EBS Universität

  • GISMA Business School

  • HHL Leipzig

  • HSBA - Hamburg School of Business Administration

  • ISM - International School of Management

  • IUBH - International University of Applied Sciences

  • Jacobs University Bremen

Will Study Abroad 2021 Happen Are Study Abroad Programs Cancelled 4.jpg
  • Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

  • MBS - Munich Business School

  • NEC - New European College

  • Schiller International University

  • SRH Hochschule Berlin

  • SRH Hochschule Hamburg

  • SRH Hochschule Hamm

  • SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

  • SRH Hotel Akademie Dresden

  • Touro College Berlin

  • UE - University of Applied Sciences Europe

New Countries To Study Abroad In

If you are interested to study in Germany/Holland/Belgium/Austria & at any of my partner universities (education costs 9000-12000 Euro per year), my individual tailor-made consultations remain free of charge.

If you are interested to study in any other country or at any other university outside of the partner list (education costs 1000-3000 Euro per year in the majority), I outsource your request to my colleagues, who will guarantee an offer letter for you at the public or private university of your choice* for only 2000 Euro placement fee.

* Minimum qualifications: 70% GPA, 6.0 IELTS, 2000 Euro budget for the agent placement fee; 1000-3000 Euro budget for studies.

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Study Abroad In Europe - Where?

  • Holland

    • HAN University Of Applied Sciences

    • Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

  • England

    • HULT International Business School

  • Belgium

    • KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts

    • Vesalius College Brussels

  • UAE

    • Murdoch University Dubai

  • Czech Republic

    • University of New York in Prague

  • Austria

    • Webster University Vienna

  • Italy, Spain, Hungary, Switzerland, France

Study Abroad Outside Of Europe - Where?

See the full university & partnership list here:

Benefits of applying through my website to either of the universities

  1. Waived application fee

  2. 5-15% Scholarship for talented students

  3. Priority application treatment

  4. Rolling admission deadlines

  5. Fast profile check

Related Articles:

  1. Study Abroad In Holland And Belgium - New Programs - 2020 Special!

  2. Start Your Studies In Germany This Winter Or Spring Apply Now!

  3. Which German City YOU Should Study In! 🏙️ The Best Cities In Germany

  4. Study Abroad - Target Countries

Study Abroad Roundup: Best Articles 2020

Yana Immis

2020 has been challenging for us but thanks to you, my readers, my blog continues to thrive.

This COVID19 year brought a lot of sad and unfortunate news for the education industry and studies abroad. Now that the year ended, it is a great time to take a look back at my best articles for the year and gear you for what’s to come in 2021.

Study Abroad Useful Tips

Study Abroad Videos

Study Abroad University Profiles

Study Abroad Success Stories

From The Author

Key Takeaway

Looking back, 2020 was a challenging year however I’m really proud that my website continues to be a go-to blog for people looking for studying abroad and studying in Germany in particular.

I plan on continuing relevant, informative, and fresh content for the readers and I hope to help more international students with their dream to study abroad!