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University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) - Study In Berlin, Hamburg or Iserlohn

Yana Immis

Study Bachelor or Master in English in Germany. The teaching methods combine practical experience as well as theory-based learning.

University of Applied Sciences Europe - Study In Berlin, Hamburg or Iserlohn

University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) is a private state-accredited university (Fachhochschule) that combines the beauties of two worlds: Art & Design with Business Studies, offering a myriad of modern programs for students to strive and succeed. Students learn how to market themselves and how to create a business with lots of additional project work. UE is one of the top universities worldwide in internationality in the areas of business, new media, sports, & psychology.

Study Bachelor or Master in the English or German languages. Or, perhaps, both? The teaching methods combine practical experience as well as theory-based learning. Highly qualified professors come from industry with relevant work experience and frequently their own businesses. Choose out of the pool of programs below.

University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) Programs

Bachelor Programs

Bachelor in the English language

  • Foundation Year

  • Communication Design

  • Film + Motion Design

  • Photography

  • Game Design

  • Illustration

  • Business & Management Studies

  • Digital Business & Data Science

  • Digital Media & Marketing

  • Sport & Event Management

    • eSports Studies - Specialisation

    • Football Management - Specialisation

    • Basketball Management - Specialisation

  • Sport & Event Management at ALBA BERLIN College (dual)

Bachelor in the German language

  • Foundation Year

  • Communication Design

  • Film + Motion Design

  • Photography

  • Game Design

  • Illustration

  • Digital & Interaction Design

  • Business & Management Studies

  • Business Psychology

  • Digital Media & Marketing

  • Sport & Event Management

    • Football Management - Specialisation

  • PsychologyBusiness & Taxes (dual)

Master Programs

Master in the English language

  • Corporate Management

  • Finance Management

  • Int. Sport & Event Management

  • Smart City Management

  • Master of Business Administration, MBA

  • Media Spaces

  • Photography

  • Innovation Design Management

  • Visual & Experience Design  

Master in the German language

  • Corporate Management

  • Marketing Management & Public Relations

  • Smart City Management 

Programs are available in 2 languages and in 3 locations: Hamburg, Berlin and Iserlohn. View which programs are available in English here. View which programs are available in German here.

UE International Office offers support to students in all aspects of their time abroad, including international accommodation, summer schools, international programs and language courses.

UE Career Center supports the further development of individual qualifications by offering workshops on the newest creative techniques, leadership skills, conflict resolution, and intercultural management, as well as rhetoric seminars, lectures, and job application training. It also offers help with searching for appropriate internships and career planning.

University of Applied Sciences (UE) Tuition fees & Starting dates

Tuition Fees

There are two semesters per year, hence the annual tuition fees apply:

  • Bachelor programs (from 9.420€ to 11.380€)

  • Master programs (from 12.600€ to 14.300€)

Starting Dates

Possibility to start twice a year: September or March according to the program.

Does one of the programs sound interesting? Contact me to find out if your profile matches the entry requirements or choose the university in the application form to try your chances.

University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) Benefits

  1. Free German classes in the first semester (10 hours a week). Free language courses (Spanish, French, Chinese among others)

  2. Students can apply to the Bachelor program directly without a Foundation program or Studienkolleg. Contact me for a free consultation if you qualify for an exception

  3. Transfers between campuses are available if the study path is offered at both campuses. Moreover, there are 60 partner universities worldwide for an optional semester abroad

  4. 87% of all alumni secure a job within 6 months after graduation (93% for Business programs; 81% for Design & Art programs). Other students start their own businesses and others do projects or training

  5. Small classes with 60% of students coming from outside Germany. 90 Nationalities (students and professors) are represented on campus

  6. Campus facilities & resources depending on the campus (library, PC pool, lounge, cafeteria, radio studios, TV studios, green screen studios, Apple Mac pools, motion design labs, screen printing workshops, equipment renting rooms (Macs and photography equipment: laptops & cameras), animation studios, sound studio, 3D lab, BLiZ-Lab, print/scan studio, Teleprompter and LED, darkroom, editing room)

University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) Accreditations & Ranking & Recognition

All Bachelor, Master, MBA, and dual study programs are recognized and accredited at the state level

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  1. The programs have received accreditation from the highest institutions. Bachelor and master study programs are recognized by the Senate and Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) for the longest possible study duration of 10 years

  2. ZEvA (Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency) certified the quality of all B.Sc., B.A., M.Sc., M.A. programs worldwide

  3. According to U-Multirank, an EU-initiated project to evaluate universities, BiTS (UE) is among the 25 best schools in the world (1,300 universities have been evaluated). UE scored high in practicality and among the 25 best universities worldwide in international orientation. Reconfirmed ranking in 2018, as one of the top ten performers in the Business Studies category in private universities in Germany

University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) Collaboration Projects & Internships

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The mission of the school is to give students the key qualifications that will prepare them to make a difference in the globalized world of tomorrow as managers, leaders and creative minds.

Through this focus on practice-oriented projects with partners worldwide, as well as integrated practical semesters, UE graduates leave the university with a range of well-grounded experiences. The capacity for innovation and success is confirmed by the high employment rate of the students.

Please check the student portfolios under the following links:

Interested to study here? Fill out the Application Form to start and make sure to choose University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) in the list of choices. In the meantime, you can already start collecting all the necessary admission documents to have them sent to my e-mail:

Benefits of applying through my website to University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE)

  1. Waived application fee

  2. 5-15% Scholarship for talented students

  3. Priority application treatment

  4. Rolling admission deadlines

  5. Fast profile check

Related Articles:

  1. Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) - Study In Hamburg

  2. New European College - Study In Munich

  3. EBS University - Study In Oestrich-Winkel

  4. Study Abroad - Partner Institutions

EBS University - Study In Oestrich-Winkel

Yana Immis

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (renown since 1971) - one of the leading private business schools in Germany. Would you like to study here? Scroll down to learn more!

Founded in 1971, EBS Universität was the first private, state-recognized business school in Germany.

With more than 230 partner universities and an excellent reputation in Germany, EBS University is a very attractive choice for students interested in business or law programs.

Each year, the renowned US business magazine Forbes awards the 30 Under 30 in a total of 20 categories. In several consecutive years, EBS Alumni were chosen by the Forbes Magazine!

  • Oldest private business school in Germany, located in Wiesbaden and Oestrich-Winkel, in the Rheingau region

  • 2,000 students (Bachelors, first state examination in law, Masters, MBA, and Part-time Masters), doctoral candidates and exchange students

  • More than 230 partner universities on all continents

  • Over 200 corporate partners, many of which are DAX companies and law firms

  • More than 10,000 alumni

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EBS highly invests in the entrepreneurial mindset of the students.

There are many examples of the alumni successes, including but not limited to the establishment of the well-known brands:

  • Lieferando – a food delivery intermediary, established by EBS Alumni Kai Hansen, Christoph Gerber and Jörg Gerbig in 2009

  • Vapiano – a modern restaurant chain with pasta, pizza and more. In 2002, EBS Alumnus Mark Korzilius opened the first restaurant in Hamburg.

  • Kreditech - a credit rating platform with a technology designed to facilitate and accelerate the creditworthiness determination beyond market standards. The company was launched by EBS Alumni Sebastian Diemer and Alexander Graubner-Müller.

The EBS Alumni network is the oldest organization nationwide, currently consisting of the alumni members from 30 countries (3.400 members). EBS is bringing current students and alumni together. You are not only provided with a network but also with the know-how. Use your network successfully in the long term and you will achieve your goals.

When you finish your degree with EBS, the support does not stop. Rather the opposite: multifaceted networking activities and opportunities to the members across the globe are being provided, including but not limited to first-class speeches and round-table discussions, exclusive events, and get-togethers.

The success of a business school is a direct correlation to the success of the students and vice versa:

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Competence, Excellence, Network - since 1971.


“We educate talented students and professionals in order to develop their personalities and competencies, thus enabling them to become highly-skilled, critically-thinking, and globally-minded experts, managers, and entrepreneurs who take the lead in times of uncertainty and change. We provide them with an international educational experience in Germany, created jointly by our faculty and our professional staff, who are dedicated to excellence in academic research, participant-centered learning, and business practice, backed by our network of alumni and corporate partners.”


“To become the best German-based and one of the best-known international universities by offering educational excellence and by developing graduates who will be competent and responsible decision-makers, contributing to and benefiting from a unique network of alumni and partners.”


Responsibility, Trust, Respect, Passion, Integrity

How does a university guarantee successful placements of the students as well as the success stories? Through the strict admission requirements, the content of the programs, coaching and recruitment events.

Every student enrolled in either of the EBS programs is entitled to participate in networking events & activities. Companies sign up to present themselves to students in the forms of:

  1. EBS Smart Fairs

  2. Recruiting Days

  3. International Career Fairs

  4. Interview Days

  5. Company Presentations

  6. Workshops

With open-door policy to the career center, every student can sign up for the training sessions for the development of a personal career strategy, application coaching & provision of information on industries and jobs. The students receive inside tips & tricks for finding a job and special “German Job Market Preparation” which is so important for students coming from abroad.

After the student identifies career opportunities, the career team supports him/her with a joint reflection on success and individual competence analysis as well as the preparation for interviews and application procedures.

Starting dates for the full-time programs: September & January*

* EMBA and Real Estate programs start only in September

Programs in the English language:

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  • B.Sc. Business Studies - 43.085€

  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) - 29.000€

  • M.Sc. Management - 26.040€

  • M.Sc. Finance 26.040€

  • M.Sc. Automotive Management 26.040€

  • M.Sc. Real Estate Management 26.040€

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - 23.500€

  • Master of Business Administration with a major or semester abroad selection (MBA+) - 33.500€

  • Double Degree: Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) from Durham University, UK and EBS Universität - 40.000€

Extra courses & programs:

  • Various language courses:

    • Chinese, English, French and Spanish

    • Upon request: Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Italian and Russian

  • German & French language tests preparation

  • TOEFL & GMAT tests preparation

  • Master & Bachelor preparation programs

EBS University Ranking, Accreditations

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The EBS Universität is renowned for its excellent research results together with a strong focus on practical use. EBS further education courses are tailor-made for the industry’s aspiring management professionals.

In July 2016, the EBS Universität became part of the non-profit foundation SRH, in doing so emphasizing its social commitment.

The following ranking institutions have rated EBS Universität:

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In May 2012, EBS Universität was granted 10-year accreditation by the German Council of Science and Humanities. This academic seal of approval is awarded to private higher education institutions whose teaching and research performance meet recognized academic standards.


All study programs at EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht are state-recognized and accredited by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA).

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FIBAA awards the Premium Seal to established degree programs that have demonstrated excellent quality in study and teaching as part of a FIBAA accreditation process. This special award provides prospective students, graduates, higher education institutions as well as the labour market with reliable information about the outstanding quality of the degree program.

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The Association of MBAs (AMBA) – was established in 1967 and is the globally most important institution specialized in the accreditation of MBAs.

EBS offers EMBA program which is accredited with AMBA.

AMBA is the only professional membership association connecting MBA students, graduates, accredited Business Schools, and MBA employers in more than 80 countries.

Interested to study here? Fill out the Application Form to start and make sure to choose EBS Universität in the list of choices. In the meantime, you can already start collecting all the necessary admission documents to have them sent to my e-mail:

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management - Study In Leipzig

Yana Immis

HHL is a state-accredited, private university located in Leipzig, Germany as well as one of the leading business schools in Europe. Founded in 1898 and committed to rigorous management instruction and research HHL developed an international reputation to be regarded as the cradle of management education in Germany.

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A degree from HHL opens the door to a successful and meaningful career. Ultimately, however, their mission is to educate future top executives who will master the formidable management challenges of the 21st century, and who will do so not only effectively, but also responsibly.

HHL Graduates are expected to be typically placed with leading consulting firms, investment, and commercial banks and industrial companies, primarily in Germany as well as the rest of Europe. In addition, with more than 300 startups founded by HHL Alumni, innovative and entrepreneurial students are always welcome!

What is HHL today?

700+ students in 5 programs

60+ nationalities on campus

2,500+ alumni in 70 countries

300+ start-ups, 5 unicorns

135+ partner universities

Above all: immediate and

continuous ROI (return on investment)

HHL MBA graduates experience a 93% salary increase on average! According to the Financial Times Ranking, HHL ranks first in Germany and sixth globally for its excellent career service.

We educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurial business

leaders through outstanding teaching, research and practice.

We are driven by excellence in teaching and research to benefit our students, stakeholders, and society. Our academic quality is underscored by our global outlook and a lifelong premier service and support network.


HHL University Accreditation

· All of HHL’s study programs are nationally accredited by ACQUIN

· HHL was the first private Business School in the German-speaking region to be accredited by AACSB International in 2004. Since then, HHL was successfully reaccredited in 2009, 2014 and 2019 under the new standards. AACSB puts a special focus on the continuous improvement and mission of the school.

AACSB International accreditation underlines that HHL aims for the highest quality. A smooth combination of theory and practice, first-class student support and infrastructure provide ideal conditions for study.

HHL University Ranking & Awards

HHL is not only Germany’s business school with the longest tradition and the birthplace of modern management education, but also receives excellent ratings for the quality of teaching, based on small classes, high-performance, and intensive teamwork. The students from more than 60 nationalities and average GMAT 640 choose HHL as the study destination.

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management - Study In Leipzig 3

The Financial Times Ranking

  • Global Masters in Management Ranking 2019 – No. 6 for salaries worldwide

  • Full-time M.Sc. Program - No. 24 worldwide (#6 for career service)

    The Economist Ranking

  • In the global Master in Management Ranking 2019 of The Economist, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management stands out with the second-highest starting salary of its graduates worldwide (77,236 $)

  • HHL also received top rankings in the categories “Range of and access to overseas study programs” (#1)“Program content” (#2)“Facilities and other services” (#4) and “Alumni network” (#5), evaluated by HHL students and alumni. The Economist Masters in Management Ranking, in which HHL ranks 14th worldwide

  • The school was rated particularly high for its career services – #1 in Germany and #4 in Europe – and career prospects: it came in second place in Germany (#9 in Europe) for opening new career opportunities.

    QS MBA Ranking

  • QS Global MBA Rankings 2019 HHL stands out with is exceptional ROI. HHL graduates are able to repay their investment in just 3.1 years and the 10-year average return on investment is $437,620.

    Other rankings

  • 2019 - occupying the top spot for the previous rankings in 2012, 2013 and 2016, HHL maintained its first-rate rank among the small universities in the Startup Radar ranking published by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft

  • Top 1 MBA regarding value for money by CNN Expansión 2017

  • No. 14 worldwide for the Executive MBA by Ivy Exec Ranking 2017

  • The most popular private business school in Germany by trendence Graduate Barometer "Business Edition" 2017 & 2018

  • No. 44 MBA worldwide and Top 3 in Germany by America Economia 2019

  • No. 1 in Europe and Germany and No. 2 globally by Wall Street Journal Master in Management Ranking 2019

HHL University Admission & Academic Facts

HHL offers international business education based on the highest academic standards.
As a state-recognized university HHL has the right to award doctorates and post-doctoral lecture qualifications. The philosophy behind all programs is to focus on the student by offering close student-faculty interaction, in-depth business and academic experience, and at the same time developing the students’ leadership potential and networking skills.

The curriculum is updated according to the needs of global employment markets to further internationalize the expertise and keep HHL at the forefront of business education and professional training.

The MBA faculty at HHL includes both full-time resident professors and international guest professors, who have taught at MIT, Stanford, the University of Chicago, the University of St. Gallen and other prestigious universities. They bring a wealth of international experience to the classroom and are at the forefront in their respective fields.

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management - Study In Leipzig

All study programs start once a year in September (Winter Semester) Intake

Master in Management (M.Sc)

21-24-month full-time program

24-30-month part-time program

Pre-MBA Course*

Master in Business Administration (MBA)**

15-21-month full-time program

24-month part-time program

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Doctoral Program***

Executive short-term education programs

* Pre-MBA program is for those who want to use the lecture-free time to study the language more intensively, there is an intensive three-weeks German course for beginners offered in August. 

** After four terms on campus, MBA students have the choice between:

  • a term abroad at one of the 135 partner universities

  • an internship

  • a entrepreneur in residence, or a social impact project

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*** The doctoral program is for candidates who hold a secondary university degree. Within three years, the candidate participates in lectures, courses, a research colloquium and conferences. After successfully completing all requirements and acceptance of the doctoral thesis, the candidate is awarded the degree (Dr.)

Key Admission Points

Attention: GMAT 600, IELTS 7.0 and 3 years work experience is a must! TOEFL & GRE are accepted as alternatives.

Key Admission Deadlines

  1. Jan 31 – Early Bird I deadline: 6,000 Euro tuition fee discount

  2. Mar 31 – Early Bird II deadline: 4,000 Euro tuition fee discount

  3. May 30 – Application deadline for international candidates who require a visa to Germany

  4. Jun 30 – Final application deadline

HHL scholarships are available to outstanding candidates. Other financing options are also available, read more here.

HHL University Career & Student Services

1. Services begin when the student is admitted to HHL and continues throughout the studies. Additionally, alumni advice in all career related questions through the Alumni Career Service is available. Alumni network includes nearly 2500 Alumni.

2. 24/7/365 access to campus, computer pool, and library is guaranteed for the students. That is, books can be read and borrowed even at midnight!

3. The center for university sport of the University of Leipzig (Zentrum für Hochschulsport) offers a comprehensive sports program that can be enjoyed by HHL students.

Students can choose between 420 courses of 150 different sport disciplines at very reasonable prices. The program consists of health, fitness, combat, athletic, climbing, relax and dance courses as well as water and snow sports.

HHL students have the great advantage that the sports facilities are located on the campus beside the lecture halls, so they can always take a break and relax their mind while swimming, playing tennis or doing aerobics.

HHL Student Initiatives

Students at HHL show strong and diverse commitments applying exceptional project management skills and interdisciplinary teamwork. In this context, they established a catalog of initiatives and events besides their curriculum.

Student Initiatives:

  • Sports Events: European Ivy League

  • Professional Initiatives: Accelerate (Entrepreneurship Conference), Venture Capital Club, Energy Club (Energy Conference), TEDxHHL, Negotiation Challenge

  • Social Initiatives: Business Students Without Borders, Voice of Hope

  • Networking Initiatives: Students also build strong networks with high profiles from the various fields as they source funding and speakers for the remarkable events.

  • The Welcome Weeks offer a plunge into the HHL spirit. Through a range of intercultural team-building activities to embark on the unforgettable HHL adventure. Students will get to know classmates from all of our programs and from all corners of the world and lay the foundation for a powerful network of contacts that will support students not only through studies but far beyond.

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HHL University Location & Accommodation

Leipzig is a city that embraces and offers diversity. The people are friendly and open-minded and show an interest in the new and the unfamiliar and thus the city is continuously re-inventing itself. Leipzig is not only a city for work and study – it also offers plenty of distractions!

Leipzig makes it easy to balance out work and life.

a picnic (or a morning run) in the big Clara Zetkin Park

a boat tour on the river Elster

a walk through the galleries of the Spinnerei

a hike among the many parks, rivers and lakes

a surf on the lakes in the surroundings of Leipzig

a souvenir purchase at a night flea market

a soccer match in a 40 000 seat stadium

Leipzig is one of the most dynamic and vibrant cities in Europe. The Guardian recently described Leipzig as „Germany’s boom-town” and the German newspaper Die Welt confirmed it, calling Leipzig “the city overtaking the rest of the republic”.

Located at the crossroads of the historic European trade routes, Leipzig prides itself on its 1,000-year tradition of commercial vitality and on its reputation as a meeting place for science and arts.

Beyond its modern infrastructure, what stands out about Germany's fastest growing city is the rapidly expanding economy with its world-famous brands such as Porsche, BMW, DHL and Amazon.

The city offers a high-quality lifestyle with very moderate living costs compared to other university cities in Germany. Average living costs per year: 8 000 EUR / 9 050 US Dollar. Accommodation in Leipzig is very reasonable.

Many HHL students choose to live in a private apartment or in a shared flat during their stay in Leipzig, while the international students prefer to live in the student dorms, since almost all rooms are furnished. Most of them are located close to the HHL campus and to the city center. The student dorm on the Mainzer Straße is located just five minutes walking distance from the campus.

Innovative. International. Individual.
— We are HHL.

40,000 students call Leipzig their home.  Are you ready to call it your new home? Fill out the Application Form to start. Make sure to choose HHL Leipzig in the list of choices.

In the meantime, you can already start collecting all the necessary admission documents to have them sent to my e-mail:

Benefits of applying through my website to HHL Leipzig

  1. Early bird scholarships up to 6.000 Euro!

  2. Waived application fee

  3. Priority application treatment

  4. Rolling admission deadlines

  5. Fast profile check

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  2. EBS University - Study In Oestrich-Winkel

  3. New European College - Study In Munich

  4. Study Abroad - Partner Institutions